News stories

Cheers to Cohort 2: Celebrating an Electrifying First Year at Greenville's Engineering Academy!

Stephan Terry
June 03, 2023

Last Saturday, Greenville’s Next Engineers: Engineering Academy celebrated the completion of Cohort 2's first full year in the program with a momentous event held at GE in Greenville. The tour, luncheon, and ceremony served as a tribute to the achievements of the students and the unwavering support of the staff and volunteers who have been instrumental in making the program a resounding success.

As our gracious hosts, GE staff provided an immersive experience that left a lasting impression on the students. Their commitment to education was evident as they graciously shared insights into their cutting-edge technologies and engineering processes. From advanced manufacturing and state-of-the-art research, the students were enamored by the real-world applications of engineering principles they learned throughout the year.

Greenville Reception

The active participation of Cohort 2 students during the event demonstrated their dedication and thirst for knowledge. They eagerly absorbed the knowledge shared by the GE staff, posing insightful questions and engaging in meaningful discussions. Their curiosity and enthusiasm exemplified their commitment to a successful career in engineering. By interacting with industry professionals, they forged connections and gained invaluable exposure to the diverse aspects of the field.

Award Ceremony

No successful program can thrive without solid leadership and guidance. The Engineering Academy owes much of its achievements to the exceptional leadership of Program Director Serita Acker, Program Coordinator Brittany Sanders, and Program Assistant Tyler Roland. Their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts in mentoring and supporting the students have been instrumental in shaping the program's growth and fostering a nurturing environment. Through their passion for education and expertise in engineering, they have empowered the students to realize their full potential.

Clemson Staff Presentations

During the ceremony, sincere appreciation was expressed to the program's leadership for their remarkable contributions. Their dedication to the Engineering Academy's success has ensured the program's smooth operation and the students' continuous growth. Their guidance and mentorship have played a crucial role in preparing the students for their future careers, instilling in them the values of excellence, innovation, and perseverance.


Reflecting on the remarkable achievements of Cohort 2 in their first year of the Engineers Academy, we eagerly anticipate the journey ahead in their second year. With the unwavering support of the GE and Next Engineers staff, we are confident that Cohort 2 will continue to flourish and make significant strides in their engineering education. We eagerly look forward to witnessing their growth, accomplishments, and contributions as they embark on the next chapter of their Engineering Academy experience.

Group Photo at GE