Next Engineers helps young people discover their inner engineer.
Together, we're committed to inspiring thousands of young people around the world.
Next Engineers is a global college- and career- readiness program designed to increase the diversity of young people in engineering. Launched in 2021 by the GE Foundation in four global cities, the program provides students ages 13 to 18 with first-hand experiences in engineering concepts and careers, and ultimately awards partial scholarships to pursue higher education in engineering. Next Engineers continues with the GE Aerospace Foundation in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is supported by GE Vernova in Greenville, South Carolina; Johannesburg, South Africa; and Stafford, U.K.
An engineer asks questions and uses science and math to solve problems. Engineers figure out how things work and find practical uses for scientific discoveries. The key to being an engineer is imagining and seeing something new, something no one has imagined before. An engineer is also a creator and makes things for everyday life. Engineers solve real-world problems, like bringing affordable, clean energy to more people and making clean water available everywhere.
There are different types of engineers, such as:
Visit our page What Do Engineers Do? to learn more about engineering from real engineers and through our career profiles.
Inspiring engineers is core to building a world that works. Next Engineers:
Next Engineers is designed to show students how engineering can solve global challenges connected to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), such as clean energy, sustainable transportation, and quality healthcare. The initiative is meant to inspire and nurture a pipeline of students, each bringing their unique perspective to the field, to become the next generation of global problem solvers.